Shop Updates! Etsy and Redbubble

As some of you have seen on my instagram, the little clown zine I was making is complete! This one centers around Pierrot, and has a little bit of handy information about the classical representation and interpretation of the character in the commedia dell’arte, as well as some very cute drawings by yours truly! I love that sad clown. The zine is available on my Etsy right now as a PDF download as well as a printable version! You get both in one purchase, so there is only one posting. I’m also working on getting some stickers made of the little Pierrots from the zine; for now, the designs are up on my Redbubble! I’ll be taking them down once I’ve gotten sticker production underway on my end, and then you’ll be able to buy them from my Etsy (and they won’t be so marked up). But if you can’t wait for your fix of silly little guys, you’re welcome to get some on my Redbubble in the meantime!

Mission Complete! HTML Declared “No Longer Scary” by Local Artist

I can now comfortably say that this website is no longer “under construction”. Not everything is as sleek and streamlined as I originally hoped, and the tagging system for portfolio pieces and blog posts still has some kinks to work out, but the overall website is otherwise completely functional and quite cute if I may say. I’ll keep updating and tweaking the code as issues and needs arise, but I want to take a moment to celebrate how happy I am with the site as a whole!

I had very little experience working with HTML prior to this (unless you count the hours of customizing tumblr roleplay blogs that consumed most of my tweenage years), so making a multipage website that looked good enough to showcase something as visually-oriented as artwork was a daunting task. Initially, none of the new vocab and skills seemed to come to me intuitively (CSS? Attributes? What the hell do you mean Java and Javascript are different languages?!), which was more frustrating than I’d like to admit. But credit where credit is due, I didn’t exactly take a textbook approach to the whole endeavor.

In all my hubris, I thought I could just dive right in and figure it all out along the way. No cheatsheet for the vocab, no HTML 101, nothing at all. To be fair, this felt like it was working really well at first. I got to dip each of my toes into a different facet of coding and of the website I wanted to create (the vision of which changed dramatically, as projects tend to) all at once, so the huge influx of new information I was taking in made it feel like I was retaining and achieving more than I actually was. …I did love the overwhelming onslaught of information, though. With so many different functions and possibilities, it was easier to stay motivated and keep my focus than it would have been if I actually tried to go through the guide courses linearly on W3C and other websites. Props to being dynamic in approach – instead of learning (very important) foundational principles that were not directly applicable, I was able to complete the project sooner. Of course, I need and intend to go back through and actually learn the basics I missed in order to streamline the code and make the website cooler and cooler, but it’s better to have an ok product than no product at all. Now we get to move onto the fun bit – refinement and some good ol’ painting!

Keep an eye on my socials, I’m working on a series of zines that will be coming to my Etsy soon! You’ll be able to download the digital readable version and a printable PDF version if you want to make them into booklets yourself!

First Blog Post! Website and Shop Updates

The website is up and running! Well, for the most part. I've implemented a multipage system for the blog page, so now I don't have to worry about creating an infinite scroll of nonesense by posting here too much. I still need to make the posts searchable, probably by a date-taggging system. Similarly, I still need to make a tagging system for the individual pieces in my portfolio in order for them to be organized/searchable by medium.

The contact section below is still not working either, and I apologize for that. To get in contact with me in the meantime, please email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Otherwise, I'll be posting similarly on Patreon with updates on my artwork and any upcoming shows/cons. I'll also be filling out my Ko-fi with more recent works, so anyone will be able to view my portfolio there as well. Feel free to check it out with the links in the sidebar (they work!). If you're interested in getting a PDF of some of my work, including some zines I'll be releasing this month, then check out my Etsy! Printed copies of various artworks will be available soon, though the exact date I will be able to roll that out currently remains to be seen. Check back here to be kept in the know!

Thanks, I love you

Test Post

lorum ipsum or some shit. Let's see if we can get a tagging system and a box around the posts lol.